i am red, you are blue. i'm old school and you're so new

Hello my dear readers!
Excuse me for the lack of posts but as I said before I'm really busy and I need to focus on my studies right now. In a few weeks I'll be free from school and I'll be more available to the blogosphere!

Olá meus queridos leitores!
Desculpem-me pela falta de posts, mas como eu já tinha referido anteriormente eu tenho estado muito ocupada e neste momento tenho de me focar nos meus estudos.
Daqui a poucas semanas eu estarei de férias e mais disponível para a blogosfera!

Meanwhile I'll leave with another look:

bustier from Oysho // skirt from Zara // vintage coat // sunglasses from Parfois

Do you like it? Tomorrow I'll try to show you my new acquisitions from Zara. They're sooo cute. Believe me, I think the most of you will like it as much as I do.


Plastic Jewelry

Hello my fashion lovers!
Once again, I'm really sorry everybody! Time is flying right now and I can't barely catch it!
I'm sorry I'm not replying to your comments but I promiss I'll do it as soon as I can.

Olá meus apaixonados da moda!
Mais uma vez, peço imensa desculpa a todos! O tempo voa e eu mal consigo apanhá-lo!
Desculpem não estar a responder aos vossos comentários mas eu prometo que o farei assim que puder.

The following image is from Plastic Seconds, a store that sells body adornments made from recycled plastic and other materials that get thrown away. Most of the pieces are limited editions or one of a kind and they are amazing!

Ain't it cool? I loved the idea.
Hope you like it too.


one is not enough, two is short, three is good... four is great!

Hello fashion people!
I'm busier than a working bee and my head is spinning around. With the summer holidays almost there for me I've got so much work to do that I'm almost losing my mind. Plus, I don't want to miss the fairs and exhbitis that are occuring in Lisbon.
 I hope you like my vintage outfit! Except the shoes, it all came straight from mom's closet.

Hope you like it ♥


fashion pornography

Every season STOCKHOLM S/S/A/W presents Swedish fashion in the most beautiful way possible. It's just like porn to me!
Take a look at it:

I know I've been a little apart from the blog and I'm really sorry but I'm so damn busy you can't even imagine!
Finally I'm able to post a new outfit:


sunglasses - help

Hello fashion people!

Well, I'm quite indecided about what pair of sunglasses I should buy!
I already have this sunglasses from Zara but the black version of it (they only have the white version available online) but I want another pair to switch.

I found the following sunglasses at asos.com and I fell in love with all of them. The prices are similar so that doesn't influence my choice. What do you think of them? Which one whould you choose?

I guess that today I'm not posting any look because I'm not going home today and I didn't bring my camera. Tomorrow I'll post my outfit.


new designers

Hello fashion people!
Today I went to see the «Exposição Jovens Criadores EML» with unique pieces from the finalists of the Production of Fashion course from Magestil. It wasn't overwhelming but it's ok. We need to remind ourselves that they're just beginning their careers. However, I hope that in two years from now I can do better!
I took some photos and I'll show you my top 3 favorites:

3rd - From Bruna Seldónio

2nd - From Diana Pinto

1st - From Nádia Stancheva

Now I leave you with my look:


eccentric desires

Hello fashion people!

I have to tell you that we can find some pretty odd things online! And I found so many cool things that I start desiring some of them. I'll let you my eccentric wishlist in here:

  1. Love Lips Vibrator (you can imagine what it is, right?)    
  2. Wall Decor Floral (I love wall paper!)
  3. Miss Army Kit (it would be nice, cute and usefull, mainly in my party nights)
  4. UV Monkey Sun (it measure the intensity of the UV rays)
  5. Baby Madeline (it looks just like a baaaaby!)
  6. Bubble Scrubber (just for fun)

And this was my outfit today:

* knitted shirt from Mango // shorts from H&M // sunglasses from Primark // sandals from Seaside


the more I change the more everything stays the same

Hello fashion lovers!
First of all I want to thank to every single blogger that has been following me in this five months of blogging! Thank you! I really, truly, honestly appreciate it and I give you all my love 

Antes de mais eu quero agradecer a todos os bloggers que me têm seguido ao longo destes últimos cinco meses! Muito obrigada! Eu realmente, verdadeiramente sinto-me agradecida por isso e dou-vos o meu amor 
En primer lugar quiero agradecer a todos los bloggers que me han seguido en los últimos cinco meses! ¡Gracias! Realmente me siento agradecido por ello y te doy mi amor 

Today I also changed the look of my blog. It's really similar but I was getting tired of my header.
Next, I'm showing you another outfit. I hope you like it because I really liked to wear it today.

* bustier from Oysho // skirt from Zara // bag from Primark // sunglasses from Zara


stupid weather

Hello fashion lovers!
This week was really sunny and hot but unfortunately today the weather was not so good and I couldn't went to the beach has I planned. As everybody knows sunday afternoon with cold weather means shopping! However, I didn't buy anything, I was too bored and tired to search for clothes.

This was my sunday outfit:

* top from Zara // pants from New Yorker // vintage scarves from A Outra Face da Lua


summer sales at Zara

FLASH NEWS: Portuguese Zara stores has sales!

Only for the portuguese shoppaholics:
Eu sei que nós já mal podíamos esperar pelos saldos da Zara e que estamos todas ansiosas por comprar aquelas peças lindas que andamos a namorar há meses, no entanto mantenha-se a calma porque os saldos acabaram de começar e ainda só há algumas peças com redução de preço (muito poucas).
Obviously I had to buy this pair of shoes that went from 30€ to 18€ and I'm very happy!



Hello fashion people!
This is my today's look. Do you like it?

I know you can't see it in the photos but I'm still looking like a tomato since thursday. I truly hope my skin doesn't start peeling off.

* diy skirt // vintage blouse // primark sunglasses