
Hello lovers!

Today I went for a walk at the beach. Dispite the wind the weather was amazing and I felt the sun and the warmth running through my veins. I really miss the summer.

Hoje fui dar um passeio até à praia e aproveitar o tempo maravilhoso que esteve. Apesar do vento eu conseguia sentir o sol e o calor a invadirem o meu corpo. Sinto falta do Verão!

It's hard to understand but I'm wearing but here it is:
coat from Zara // fake fur from Primark // shirt from Primark // skirt from Zara // shoes from Zara // sunnies from Asos

On my way home I got right behind this couple as I stopped in traffic. I couldn't avoid taking a picture of them and imagining them young at a different time and place. 

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